The major purpose of Vijaya Dashami and Dussehra is to fight wrong( Adharma) and restore Dharma. One of the most important Hindu leaves is Dussehra, also known as Vijayadashami, and it’s observed during the Ashvin and Kartik months of the Hindu timetable also, different regions of the Indian key celebrate Vijayadasami or Dussehra for unique reasons. The ninth day fests come to an end on Dussehra, also known as Vijayadashami( or Bijoya in Bengali). It’s a festivity honoring Rama’s prosecution of Ravana, his family kumbhakaran, son Meghanath, and father. In this case, great won against evil.

The Backside Story of Ramayana
The story of Rama is told in the grand Ramayana. Rama was the Napoleon of the Ayodhya area who had been banished. He and his family Lakshmana stayed in the timber as exiles, together with his woman Sita. The evil sovereign of Lanka, Ravana, abducted Sita one day. To deliver her, Rama stormed Lanka with the help of Lakshmana and an army of monkeys.
The two armies engaged in a furious conflict for several days. It was incredibly challenging for Rama to master the important Ravana. He thus supplicated for nine days to nine different angles of the goddess Durga and grew strong enough to overcome Ravana. Rama’s triumph over Ravana is commemorated during the ten- day jubilee of Dussehra. A traditional art form known as Ramlila involves reenacting the life tale of Rama.
Millions of players perform the Ramlila in every niche and fissure on Dussehra. Traditionally, only men took part in the Ramlila, but now women are acting in them as well. A fireworks day is the tenth day. This play’s last act is performed on stage. massive paper effigies that are sometimes filled with roughly His son and family Ravana, who can reach heights of roughly 100 bases, are set on fire and someone disguised as Rama fires flaming arrows at the burning effigies at the distributed time.
About Vijayadashami
The description of” Vijayadashami” is a combination of the words” Vijaya” and” Dashami,” which stand for” palm” and” tenth,” independently. Every time, at the conclusion of Durga Puja or Navaratri, Vijayadashami is observed in the southern, eastern, northeastern, and certain northern areas of India to commemorate goddess Durga’s palm over the buffalo monster Mahishasura to help restore Dharma. During Vijayadashami fests, complexion statuettes of Durga, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Ganesha, and Kartikeya are carried in processions to a swash or ocean front while being accompanied by music and chants. The statues are also submerged in the water for dissolution and farewell.
In a different variant, Goddess Durga destroys the monster Mahishasura to bring peace to Earth. This myth is common in the eastern and northern areas of India. Navratri is a celebration that is observed since the Goddess and the devil fought for ten days in this location as well. The goddess Durga kills Mahishasura on the tenth day, and that day is commemorated as Vijayadashmi, which means “victory that was attained on the tenth day.” People in the northern and western portions of the region fast while praising the nine manifestations of the Goddess throughout the nine days leading up to Vijayadashami, which are each devoted to a different potent manifestation of Goddess Durga.
Story behind the festival Dussehra related to Lord Rama
Dussehra is a Hindu occasion celebrating Rama’s palm over Ravana, the 10 headed king who abducted Rama’s wife, Sita. Dasha means” ten” in Sanskrit, and Hara means” master” In English. Symbolizing successful over wrong. The festivity is also know as nominated as Dussehra( also spelled Dasara, Dashahara) in the north, central, and western countries. It celebrates the conclusion of” Ramlila” and the palm of god Rama over the Ravan in these homes. On the same day, Arjuna alone devastated over men and beat all Kuru soldiers, including Bhishma, Drona, Ashwatthama, Karna, and Kripa, demonstrating a significant illustration of righteousness( Dharma) triumphing over wrong( Adharma). Dussehra is substantially a North Indian event. Is marked by a lot of excitement and fanfare. Ram Lila, a grand dramatic retelling of Rama’s life narrative, is included. In open fields at night, firecracker- filled effigies of Ravana, as well as those of his family Kumbhkarana and son Meghnada, are set ablaze. In some areas, it signifies the conclusion of” Ramlila” and honors GodRama’s palm against Ravana.
Grand Dussehra in Mysore
The fests in Mysore, in the southern state of Karnataka, take a unique turn. Five creatures are offered rather than flaming Ravana effigies: a rooster, a fish, an angel, a grouser, and a buffalo. In Mysore, Dussehra is a royal jubilee. Mysore residents also participate in Durga Puja. They commemorate Mahishasura’s death by Durga, who legend has it lived in those regions. The fests take place at the magnificent Durga tabernacle atop Chamundi hill. The royal family’s family goddess is known as Durga. The tabernacle is magnificently decked for the jubilee, and a regal procession of decorated mammoths, courtiers, and court button winds its way there. Prayers are made to the goddess after one arrives at the tabernacle. multitudinous excursionists from India and overseas attend this event. Still, given the costs, it has been a royal affair. Still, this festivity has lately lost part of its luster due to the collapse in the status of the Mysore royal family.
The grand festival of Hindu’s is Dussehra, mostly known as Vijayadashami in West Bengal and nearby states. Vijayadashami, is enthusiastically observed or noticed throughout the country. People from different states will call this festival by a different name. Burning the effigies of King Ravana , his brother Kumbhakaran and his son Meghanath , to specify the triumph or victory over the good on evil.
This is the most well known tradition or custom. Visiting temples, doing Pooja, giving Pushpanjali to Maa Durga represents different phases of the well known festival – Dussehra or Vijayadashmi.
People will end with Sindur Khela and burning statues of King Ravana. Everyone will be eagerly waiting for this festival with the same joy and happiness.
In the North-eastern part of India, women do Pooja to the small female kids as Choti Durga Maa and make kids as Bhairavnath. This shows the heritage of to be respected as Devi.
In the 10 days of Dussehra or Durga Puja it signifies that every bad thing ends at a particular time.
Sarva Mangala Mangalye Sive Sarvartha Sadhike
Saranye Trayambike Gauri Narayani Namostute.
Meaning: She is the most fortunate lady and the one who provides luck to everyone in the world. She is holy and blameless. Gauri, the daughter of the mountain monarch, is known as the Mother of the Three Worlds and protects those who submit to her. We frequently do homage to Mother Durga. We worship her.